Industrial Construction and Factory Services | Berwil

Being a success in the industrial construction business requires foresight in multiple areas, not the least of which is ensuring a smoothly running production line. For a newly minted business or brand-new production facility, that means building the site from scratch. For a pre-existing factory or plant, that means ensuring the facilities and machinery are in tip-top shape.
At the crux of the matter in both scenarios is quality control. Every business owner who has invested in industrial construction and production installations wants to ensure that their products are crafted efficiently and to the highest standard. Whether it’s a small, large, or medium-sized operation, assiduous attention to the installation, repair, and maintenance of a production facility and its machinery is of paramount importance in meeting the aforementioned goals.
With 70+ plus years in the business, Berwil Industrial Mechanics has the experience and the expertise to keep your production line churning out high-quality goods indefinitely.

Berwil’s extensive experience with, and mastery of, industrial construction projects aided Trouw Nutrition immensely with the installation of ingredient tanks in their brand new animal feed production plant. Installed at the same time as the construction of the building, Berwil carried out the project in “Accelerated Mode,” so the tanks would be ready to provide feed for the animals as soon as possible. The project was carried out in compliance with the strictest OSH rules (Site Health and Safety), ensuring optimum standards in quality control.
Quality control isn’t just a matter of ensuring your product is created perfectly, it’s also about ensuring your perfect product gets to the retailer in pristine condition. Berwil aided Kraft-Heinz Canada to that effect by performing replacement work on its robotic palletizing system. Berwil carried out all repairs and replacements in “Weekend Mode,” so as not to disturb the smooth functioning of the production process, while simultaneously performing routine maintenance of the operations of the entire plant.

Sometimes, the installation of new machinery coincides with the routine maintenance and upkeep of pre-existing production lines. Berwil aided Yoplait – Liberté in a major expansion of their plant-to-house production areas, refrigerated storage areas, reception and storage of milk areas, and their wastewater treatment. Simultaneously, Berwil engaged in the maintenance of the operations of the entire plant and the coordination of various building modifications. Although this was done in “Fast Track” mode, not a single ounce of quality was lost in milk or yogurt production!
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